So I am thinking that I will go with mediocrity in today's society. The audience that I am shooting for is America's working class, around 16-65 years old. My purpose is to show my audience the lack of pride in one's work.
There are quite a few things that can go wrong when people lose interest in their workmanship. People are more interested in how to get the optimal amount of cash instead of customer satisfaction. Loss of integrity is part of the problem. There used to be a time, in this country, where citizen's would put heart into their work (not literally of course).
I decided to upload a picture of blown glass because glass blowing is something that takes great craftsmanship, time, and dedication.
This sounds like it could be a really interesting paper, Natalie. Be thinking of specific examples and incidents that will propel your argument forward. Good stuff so far.
Oh, also, if you want your pictures smaller so that they don't encroach on your sidebar, you can change the size of them in the HTML setting when creating a post. Just fiddle around with the "Height" and "Width" numbers until they pictures fit the way you want them to (there are two sets of height and width numbers, though, so remember to change them both).
When I first read through your idea, I was a little bit unsure as to what you were trying to say, but slowly it all made sense. I get what you're saying about people no longer taking pride. These days, people seem to do things just to do them, and maybe do it for a check. This sounds really interesting!
I think you're absolutely right. People today don't go for customer satisfaction, and go for the money instead. Great topic.
I think you could come up with some great ideas for this topic.